Monday, December 31, 2007

lt. snakie saves the quadanet

lt. snakie saves the quadanet with this man

he flew the Uss. enterprise (seen 4 posts down)

ps. to hannah the blog hobo,

no hitchhicking

snakie is moved up

lt.snakie has been moved up to lutennent not captin.
these recent events were caused by lt. snakie saving the uninet again

good job lt. snakie

ps. Hannah the blog hobo


hannah the blog hobo

hannah the blog hobo was just introduced to ooen's blog through cap. snakie's email

strict rule: no camping out on ooen's blog


this is the uninet

captin snakie does it again

CAPTIN SNAKIE did it again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
captin snakie saved the uninet AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this time he did it intergalacty with this ship

captin snakie hits the wrong note

captain snakie,13,was singing in his room late one night when...


captain snakie hits the wrong note

captin snakie

hes a heero,he saved the uninet.he is also goingto buy me somthing at best buy