Monday, December 31, 2007

snakie is moved up

lt.snakie has been moved up to lutennent not captin.
these recent events were caused by lt. snakie saving the uninet again

good job lt. snakie

ps. Hannah the blog hobo



Techie57 said...

You only WISH that I failed. I'm cooler than all y'all. I think you're in denial.

Jacob WR said...

Sorry, Hannah. you don't even have a military rank.
I'm now the lead of the uninet forces.

Techie57 said...

Who cares about a military rank? And what in God's name is a "uninet"? It's called the "Internet". I-N-T-E-R-N-E-T. I'm surprised you don't know that, considering the amount of time you spend on here. (COUGHbloghoboCOUGH)